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We have a farm!

Courageous Connections

This incredible turn of events all began when our partners at ARC of Snohomish told us about a grant from the Dan Thompson Memorial Fund in the fall of 2021. We applied for funding to purchase a farm property for our program and it was granted! It has been a roller coaster ride ever since while we searched for a property and navigated the complexities of working with the grantors and the state of Washington.

The Vision - From the very beginning our vision has included “the acquisition of a farm property that encourages interactions with nature where all are treated with kindness and respect.”

With this farm, Courageous Connections will have the opportunity to not only grow our programs, but to also be an ongoing presence in our community. We will be able to have animals in addition to our horses such as rabbits, goats, chickens and maybe more as time goes by. With all the space at the farm we are planning to have a community garden with raised beds so that people in wheelchairs can come and spend time gardening. If dreams and wishes came true the farm is totally that!! We will provide a safe and nurturing place where people of all ages and abilities can come to experience the farm and work together to make it grow. It has everything on our wish list and more and we are so grateful for the ability to provide this amazing space for our community.

Our grant provides for the farm purchase, renovations, and farm equipment. We do, however have a growing list of items we need that the grant won’t cover. Kathy likened it to a newlywed couple moving into their first home. We need small things, like a stapler and storage totes and large things, like work-benches and file cabinets. More to come on how you can help!

New Beginnings - often come with some goodbyes. We are really excited about the farm and thrilled to see the progress unfold. Along with that excitement, however, there might also be a bit of fear of the unknown or anxiousness about what lies ahead. Participants and instructors have only known their work with horses either at Alpine or at Kathy’s barn. Even though there is anticipation, there could also be nervousness while contemplating the upcoming changes such as; “What will my session be like and which horse will I be working with?” Both are great questions. Participants and instructors have bonded with the horses they have been working with, whether for a week or a few years. Relationships have been established and love has grown between horses and humans. How could it not with the work we do? However, Courageous Connections will still have the same love for horses and humans as they always have, no matter what the setting. New relationships will be formed and love will continue to grow with the same care and support each participant and instructor has received or given before. We can say, “Thank you, and Goodbye” as we look forward to the new beginnings we will build together; always being forever grateful for where we started. Our thanks to Lori, Kim, and Kathy’s barns and amazing horses for providing a safe place for us to grow and serve our community. We also want to recognize and thank all of our volunteers and supporters during the past 5 years. A new chapter unfolds with yet many more beginnings and we can’t wait to see how our story expands.

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